Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Literal Flow Chart

I woke up at about 4:30 this morning and put together a flow chart in my head:
Why am I awake?
Is there a reason? (If No, go back to sleep.)
Was it the cat? (If Yes, go back to sleep.)
Is it raining? (If Yes, go back to sleep.)
Was it the wife making too much noise? (If Yes, go back to sleep.)
Do you have to pee? (If No, go back to sleep.)
Is it urgent enough to get out of bed? (If No, go back to sleep.)
Then pee, you idiot, and quit thinking about this stupid crap so you can get back to sleep.

Don't ask me why my brain works this way, if I knew, I'd shut it down and actually get a good night's sleep for once. But whatever, I wouldn't be nearly as entertained by my own private Wonderland.

In other, non-peeing, news, there is a new comic. Plus, there should be a review for Hancock up here soon enough. Have yourself a flowing-tastic day.

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